This is a work-in-progress fantasy novel.
Magic has been dead for centuries, yet now it is reawakening. Its return threatens the livelihoods of the people who have made a living from falsely claiming to have magic, and they will do whatever it takes to stop its return.
This novel's early project title was Artaang after the world it is set in.
The first version of the outline was made all the way back in 2014. I however abandoned it, although it has stayed in the back of my mind since then. I made some changes to the outline over the years, finishing in October 2020.
I then started writing it after completing the Heir of Two Armies during NaNoWriMo 2020. It took me close to a year to finish the first draft (October 2021), and after working on a different project for NaNo 2021, I returned to do a complete minor editing pass on this in Dec 2021 - Feb 2022. This editing pass was focused on fixing issues I realized as I was still writing.
Now the complete book is with my first round of beta readers. I already have notes on things I am unhappy with, so those, combined with the beta feedback, will form the first major revision.